The Rusty Battle Axe
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Blog Roll & Links
Montporte Dungeon Campaign
Pits & Perils Round Robin
Megadungeon Links I: Design & Play
Megadungeon Links II: Maps, Tables, Generators
GURPS Newbie
Back in the Saddle Again
Hey, I'm back. I plan on posting regularly, albeit less frequently that before my absence from this blog. You might notice that the ...
Maps: The Known Dungeon of Montporte After 60 Sessions
Elementalist Monastery Level 1 Elementalist Monastery Sub-Level 1 Elementalist Monastery Level 2 Elementalist Monastery L...
Toagmadath (Fey)--Montporte Dungeon Campaign Critter
TOAGMADATH Armor Class: 3 [16] Hit Dice: 5 Attacks: 1 Bite (1d6); 2 Claws (1d4 each) Saving Throw: 11 Special: Attack Bonus; Da...
Montporte Dungeon Campaign 2.0 Session 8 Notes (Montporte 54)
Cast of Characters Alaric: Human Cleric (PC-Main Character) Alicia: Human Footman (NPC Henchwoman) Carlos: Human Footman (NPC Hench...
Montporte Dungeon Campaign 2.0 Session 7 Notes (Montporte 53)
Cast of Characters Alaric: Human Cleric (PC-Main Character) Allidore: Kobold (NPC) Alicia: Human Footman (NPC Henchwoman) Bildar: ...
The Death of Diana, My Longest Running NPC
In Session 1 of the Montporte Dungeon campaigns, Diana was rescued from a nk-ha (an aberration). The adventurers managed to bring her o...
Cardinal Spider--Montporte Dungeon Campaign Critter
CARDINAL SPIDER Cardinal spiders travel in small roving bands made up of 2-8 males and 2-4 females. The males are the smaller of two (abo...
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