

Good Things in the Mail

I don't purchase a lot of gaming stuff, at least not compared to most tabletop gamers blogger types. So when I do open up my wallet, I like to make it count. Today, I was very excited to get Patrick Wetmore's ASE2-3: Anomalous Subsurface Environment in the mail.

I do purchase a lot of books from Amazon, including a lot of used books from third party venders. All of my purchases are sent to my workplace. My coworkers are used to lots of little packages showing the occasional big package from Musicians Friend or Carvin. However, they always give me a hard time when it says "LuLu" on the box. Little do they know what sort of goodness is waiting for me inside.

Of course, I scurried away to my office for a quick scan of ASE2-3. My first reaction was not "I want to run this dungeon." It was "I want to roll out a character and be a player."