

Catching Up...

Blogging was on the back burner for the month of November. The last big tasks of our merger were on my plate, which included me moving into my new position (COO of a larger organization) while still doing bits and pieces of my old job (CEO of a smaller organization). While the scope of my new position is narrower than my old, I went from leading 65 staff to leading 400 staff. I finally completed the physical move of my office this week and am taking the ton of Paid Time Off that I have accumulated. My body needs it, as I am in the middle of an auto-immune flareup (another reason why I have not been blogging). I am sure the flare-up is due to stress and lack of sleep, so I am mostly sleeping and reading during my time off.

I did get in a bit of gaming in November. I ran one session of the Montporte Dungeon and +Rob Conley (The Bat in the Attic) ran two playtest sessions of his revamped Majestic Wilderlands (combining elements of Fate, Fudge, GURPS, and Swords & Wizardry).

I have some catching up to do with the blog. I have three Montporte Sessions to write about and a few other items that I want to post this month.